Safer Spaces

Everyone deserves to feel safe and included at Bellwether, regardless of ancestry, colour, family status, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, mental exceptionality, physical disability, place of origin, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or source of income. 

To this end, Bellwether is working to develop a policy to help foster safer and more inclusive spaces. This section should be considered a working document and will be updated on an ongoing basis to ensure it meets the needs of our community. 

Bellwether does not tolerate abusive, disrespectful, or discriminatory behaviours, language or attire. Such language, behaviours or offensive attire including (but not limited to) hate symbols or culturally appropriative attire are all grounds for removal from the shop and could result in a permanent ban.  

If you experience or witness abusive or discriminatory behaviour in our shop space, please speak directly to our staff or contact us via your preferred method of communication. 

Bellwether staff has the authority to remove offenders from the shop at a moment’s notice. The safety of survivors is always our primary consideration. Any decision to remove or permanently ban an offender will be made on a case-by-case basis (in consultation with survivors when possible).

Please note: We are a staff of 2 and do not have the human resources to guarantee an immediate response to concerns about a person’s history or prior allegations. Regardless of timing, we will try to address all concerns as efficiently as possible.

We do not have the expertise or authority to mediate conflicts or provide advice on conflict or crisis resolution.

To access support, Sexual Violence New Brunswick provides toll-free, confidential, 24-hour sexual violence support line. Please call 506-454-0437 to access this important resource.

For other information or less immediate/urgent support, visit